The Story

Bedlam: (n) bed-lam | The scene of an uproar and confusion.
Genesis: (n) gen-e-sis | The origin or mode of formation of something.

Bedlam Genesis is set in an alternate reality of Numinous and Humans. The planet is still relatively new, and Magic is only truly mastered by Numinous; it normally takes a human a lifetime just to master one element. Gods and goddesses are designated to every element, but there are several still untamed. Of those elements, Chaos and Tranquility are of the utmost importance to be appointed, because without someone to dictate their natures, the balance of good and evil constantly tips.

Fate has chosen two very different girls to become these deities, but they're quite reluctant to following this destiny. Mostly because they're oblivious about it! How will the balance sustain itself when these opposing forces end up being friends? What kind of calamity will befall these girls who only want simple lives?

This story is rated 16+ because of its language, violence, sexual themes, nudity, and alcohol use.

Author // Artist

Name: Vicky Thavornkant
AKA: Kat, RedRabbu
DOB: Nov 25th

Been drawing all my life I think?? But only became serious about pursuing it as a career halfway through high school. I fumbled my way through an art trade school and wound up learning more from daily drawing online than anything else!

While I mainly am a character illustrator, this comic is my ongoing project that I do hope to see to completion someday! Updates get sporadic due to my commission, convention, and modeling schedules, but I have consistently kept updating over the years! This comic has been a great learning curve in just pacing myself, story telling, and keeping me motivated.

I'm also an abuse survivor, and darker contents of the story do reflect things I've made it through, so in a way, it's also a bit of therapy for me.

To PJ and Katy for the 6+ years of roleplaying that all started with this story, and their great characters.
To my "son" Zach for helping me code the harder parts of the site!
To the readers who enjoy my story and art, and support its continuation!
To Manga Apps for providing me with all the tones and tutorials that I'm still using now! Any other aspiring manga/comic artist should go there and grab what's available. It's a fantastic collection of helpful tools!
To everyone in my life who's told me to keep staggering back onto my feet and do what I LOVE, no matter how many times I may get knocked down. I have a support system of friends and family that will surpass any 12 step program.